Matawala Group of Industries provides an opportunity to close associates with interest in the paint industry. To make secure investment with in higer growth and faster market expansion projects. Financial plans are based on stable and safe progressive expansions of the group in multidimensional areas.

Expansion plans are endeavoured into

  1. Recycling projects
  2. Raw material productions units
  3. Entering new markets with hi end competetive products
  4. Formulating a model to earn revenue becoming a part of Multinational Paint Group.

Opening and diversifying possibilities.

  1. Directorship.
  2. Territories of distribution.
  3. Facility and production usages.
  4. Sharing and creating brands.
  5. Collaborations and Affiliations.
  6. Returns on Investment.
  7. Job works.

For more details please contact.

Fatema Matawala (CFO)

[email protected]